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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Birthday with strangers! :DDD

It was perfect -.-

It was my birthday birthday birthday! HAHAHAHAHA
I spent my time with strangers :OOO
Just kidding. :)))
I celebrated my birthday day with Nick,Woei Loong,Matthew and Dexter. I know them like,obviously less than a year. hahaahhaha 
My girlfriends were at Time Square that day too,asked them to go KLCC with me,but they don't want :((
So sad DDD;

Okay,soooo,We watched Unstoppable. I didn't enjoy the movie much because i was thinking about TOILET AT THE WAY! -.-
I almost pee out!
After that,we went to.... somewhere i dont know :DDD
for skateboard. LOL. Matt brought his skateboard ? -.-

Later,we went to Pavillion just to eat Subway. YAY! Jahahahahahaa.
Oh yeah,they bought me a Moo and a Hallmark birthday card. :) <3 awww

In the evening, we went shisha. heeeee. It was the best shisha i ever had! I dont know why. HAHAHA. Hmmm,i looked pretty drunk though. xD


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