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Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Wing Wing Pants Hayley wore it on EMA ! ♥ :O

At first , I don;t know why im posting this :)))
I just feel exciting :DD
If you were me , you will feel the same way too. 
I saw this at Adidas store yesterday. I was *about* to scream out -.-
hahahahaha. I kept calling my mum to buy it. I wasn't serious. But my mum took it so seriously , ended we had a fight after trying the pants out -.-
This pants cost about 4OO++. :((((
So nice <3 
Oh well. :)))
I'm buying the Vans that Hayley has one :DD
I and Hayley ada the same taste! <3 :DDD

The red one! <3 :3333


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