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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Four days before my birthday! :DD

GAHAHAHAHA! Another great day with DN,John and Oxy <3 :)
It was a 'prelated' birthday celebration. hahahaah
We went Pav. 
Ding Neng bought me Roses! <3 <3 Awww :'3
And John's MUM baked me cookies :DDD

We watched Megamind! It was soooo nice! :)))
Worth watching gehh :DD

We went Fahrenheit. Everyone was like queueing for Uniqlo? -.-

And and and,they secretly bought a cake! Awww <3 :))

Later,only left DN to have dinner with me and my mum at TGIF but before that we went Snowflakes king sam si ! <3  :pppp :DD

6th Of November 2O1O 

More Photos :DDD

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